Lenders take every penny they can legally get from home buyers, and understanding how they do it can save you four, five, or even six figures. Find out how below The path to homeownership starts with a whole lot of stress. Researching loan options, interest rates, and mortgage lenders is a full-time job. Still, the reward of homeownership is well worth it. So, you’ve signed the paperwork and you’re eager to enjoy your dream home. Besides the monthly mortgage payments, you’re more or less in control, right? Not quite. That’s just what the bank wants you to think. In reality, your lender is taking advantage of every penny you give them, and understanding how they do it could save you thousands. Keep reading as we explain how the bank takes advantage of homeowners and what you can do to avoid the pitfalls.
The path to
homeownership starts with a whole lot of stress. Researching loan
options, interest rates, and mortgage lenders is a full-time job.
Still, the reward of homeownership is well worth it.
So, you’ve signed the paperwork and you’re
eager to enjoy your dream home. Besides the monthly mortgage payments,
you’re more or less in control, right?
Not quite. That’s just what the bank wants you to think.
In reality, your lender is taking advantage
of every penny you give them, and understanding how they do it could
save you thousands. Keep reading as we explain how the bank takes
advantage of homeowners and what you can do to avoid the pitfalls.